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  (ID: 2373)
Georgia Preferred Family Resource Center
Location: Atlanta, GA   (map)
Phone / FAX:
Service Area: Atlanta, Cherokee, Cobb, Fulton, Bartow and surrounging counties
Agency: Georgia Preferred Family Resource Center
Agency Phone/FAX: 770-837-4808
Address: 12195 Hwy 92
 Atlanta, GA 30188
Agency Email:
Agency Link: Georgia Preferred Family Resource Center
Standard Fee: Please call for rate information
Sliding Scale? Yes
Languages: English
Onsite/Offsite: Both Onsite and Offsite
Years Experience: 24
Holidays: Yes
Intake Procedure: Required prior to visitation
Provider Notes:
Families enjoy a tension free, safe environment at the center's secure location.

GAPFR offers both ON and OFF site Supervised visitations.

OFF site visitations are most popular to visiting parents. When court orders allow OFF site visits arrangements can be made to visit children in homes as well as Child-Friendly locations such as; restaurants, Chuckee-Cheese type places, parks, recreation centers. and more.

Children are welcome to play with toys, equipment, art and craft or projects to expand their healthy experience with the visiting parent. Our safe outdoor playground is perfect for picnicking and enjoying outside sports.

Our safe-play location is in Woodstock, GA.

When permitted families are offered supervised visitation at child friendly locations such as; parks, restaurants, roller skating rinks, mini-golf, bounce-houses, and more.

Each visitation is minimum two hours. Fees are paid in advance.

Georgia Preferred Family Resource offer highly trained supervised visitation monitors. Our staff completes training sessions and classes throughout the year. They are guided, taught and then participate in an "Evaluated Supervised Visitation" prior to assisting clients.

Supervised Visitation procedure begins with a two hour Intake Interview. The visiting parent and custodial parent must complete all forms and present copies of paperwork to Monitors.

Each parent meets separately with the monitor and comprehensively discuss the policies and guidelines for future visits, appointments or services.

Monitors are highly trained at the methodology of observation/reporting. Monitors remain neutral at all times. Rules and regulations are in place to ensure the safety and well being of all participates. Monitors are educated towards maintaining a positive, secure atmosphere.

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