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  (ID: 3998)
Concierge Nanny Services
Location: Wyoming, MI   (map)
Phone / FAX:
Service Area: Kent County
Agency: Concierge Nanny Services
Agency Phone/FAX: 616-805-9662 / 616-378-8441
Address: 2355 Health Drive SW
  Suite 130
 Wyoming, MI 49519
Agency Email:
Agency Link: Concierge Nanny Services
Provider Link:
Standard Fee: Please call for rate information
Sliding Scale? Yes
Languages: English
Onsite/Offsite: Both Onsite and Offsite
Years Experience: 5
Holidays: Yes
Intake Procedure: Please see website for application and fee information
Provider Notes:
Safe Parenting Exchange, private & group on-site visits and private off-site supervised visits.

As a parent you need to know that your children are safe in the care of a nanny. You need to know that the Nanny will adapt to your childs unique needs, will nurture and provide appropriate level of intellectual and social interactions. The nanny should be an extension of your family as a nanny, mommy helper, house manager, or governess.

This is where we come in and do all the background work for you. Unlike the other online nanny platforms, Concierge Nanny Services does more than just have you pay a fee to be a member and search through thousands of potential nannies for your family.

This can be a daunting and overwhelming process when you are already struggling for time to spend with your family and be successful in your career or even as a stay-at-home parent who still manages the home on top of everything else!

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