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  (ID: 1559)
ICU Investigations
Location: St George, UT   (map)
Phone / FAX: 435-986-1200
Service Area: Statewide throughout Utah. Utah County, Salt Lake County, Weber County
Agency: ICU Investigations
Agency Phone/FAX: 435-986-1200
Address: 473 S River Rd #1-275
 St George, UT 84790
Agency Email:
Agency Link: ICU Investigations
Standard Fee: Please call for rate information
Sliding Scale? Yes
Languages: English
Onsite/Offsite: Offsite only
Years Experience: 20
Holidays: Yes
Intake Procedure: Please call for intake information.
Provider Notes: All of our supervisors are licensed Utah private investigators trained in observing people and situations with clear followup reporting.

Recognizing a need for an alternative in the way supervised parental visitations are usually conducted, we conceived a creative solution. Why restrict the visit to a single location with set time limits in which a visit can take place? Most parents in need of supervision are already struggling to hold down a job and pay the bills. They need weekend, evening, and holiday flexibility. Some don't even own a car so getting to a clinic can also be challenging.

Our private investigator supervisors are able to travel and are familiar with working strange hours. Our agents are able to come to a pre-arranged location for the visit and often with short notice. We arrive at the chosen location in advance with staggered drop off and pick up times (having been prearranged) so contentious parties are not interacting together and keeping the child removed from any potential & unnecessary tension.

Our professional intermediary discusses the issues of visitation with each parent and then makes the arrangements by coordinating the visit with the supervisor.

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