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  (ID: 1704)
Children First of the Rockies
Location: Longmont, CO   (map)
Phone / FAX:
Service Area: City of Longmont and Boulder County
Agency: Children First of the Rockies
Agency Phone/FAX: 303-776-5348 / 303-485-2055
Address: P.O. Box 2174
 Longmont, CO 80502
Agency Email:
Agency Link: Children First of the Rockies
Standard Fee: Please call for rate information
Sliding Scale? Yes
Languages: English, Spanish
Onsite/Offsite: Onsite only
Years Experience: 23
Holidays: Please call for holiday availability.
Intake Procedure: Please call for intake information.
Provider Notes: SAFE Services was established in 2001. We offer services Wed thru Sun. Application and information available on website.

Our SAFE Services Program addresses two major issues. Through our SAFE Exchanges we deal with the issues associated with conflict between parents. Exchanges consist of parents dropping off and picking up children with a 15 minute interval between the exchanges so there is no meeting between the two adults.

The opportunity provided by SAFE Exchange services is to eliminate triggers between the two parents that could have unhappy, unsafe, and harmful impact on the child. Supervised Parenting Time (SPT) addresses the issue of families in crisis where parenting is an issue.

In providing this service, our staff observes and records these observations of non-custodial parents’ interactions with their children for periods of one to two hours during visits at one of our three sites. The opportunity we provide with this service is the elimination of re-victimization of the child by the parent.

- SAFE Services will help facilitate the time and day for interactions with child(ren) whenever possible.

- SAFE Services will provide a child centered, secure environment for your child(ren)

- SAFE Services will observe and document my interaction with your child(ren) in a factual, neutral way

- SAFE Services will help facilitate the time and day for interactions with your child(ren)

- SAFE Services will expect you to follow the rules and guidelines expressed in the intake information

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