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  (ID: 1795)
North Alabama Visitation Center
Location: Florence, AL   (map)
Phone / FAX:
Service Area: North Alabama, South Tennessee, North East Mississippi
Agency: North Alabama Visitation Center
Agency Phone/FAX: 256 712-5357
Agency Email:
Agency Link: North Alabama Visitation Center
Standard Fee: Please call for rate information
Sliding Scale? Yes
Languages: English
Onsite/Offsite: Unknown
Years Experience: Not listed
Holidays: Please call for holiday availability.
Intake Procedure: Please call for intake information.
Provider Notes: North Alabama Visitation Center Regular business hours:
Open Tuesday through Thursday, 9:00AM until 9:00PM. Closed Wednesdays.

We are a Supervised Visitation Center committed to helping children from separated families to establish or maintain a relationship with the parent that they do not live with. When families separate and the transfer of children from one parent to another is a problem we offer the families and the courts an alternative solution. Regardless of the reason for separation may it be from child abuse and neglect,
child abandonment, domestic violence, mental illness, parental substance abuse, parental criminal history, child sexual abuse, threats of parental abduction of a child or parental estrangement and long term absence, the center provides a safe, secure, and structured alternative with supervised visitation.

North Alabama Visitation Center provides a neutral setting for children to maintain and / or build a healthy relationship with their non-custodial parent. A friendly and nurturing atmosphere has been created to promote the physical, emotional and
social well being of all individuals using our services.

The center is meant to prevent violence from occurring between family members during the exchange for visitation of children and their parents. North Alabama Visitation Center will accomplish our goals by maintaining strict procedures and policies that focus on a ZERO TOLERANCE approach towards any form of violence and appropriate accountability for violation of rules or noncompliance with visitation orders.

We are committed to working with and or participating in a community wide
coordinated response to family violence

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