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  (ID: 2199)
Centre County Child Access Center
Location: Bellefonte, PA   (map)
Phone / FAX: 877-258-0076
Service Area: Please call for service area.
Agency: Centre County Child Access Center
Agency Phone/FAX: 814-548-0034 / 814-548-0046
Address: 310 North Allegheny St
 Bellefonte, PA 16823
Agency Email:
Standard Fee: Please call for rate information
Sliding Scale? Unknown
Languages: English
Onsite/Offsite: Unknown
Years Experience: Not listed
Holidays: Please call for holiday availability.
Intake Procedure: Please call for intake information.
Provider Notes: The Child Access Center is located at 310 North Allegheny Street in Bellefonte, Pennsylvania.

All of our services are designed with safety of the children and their parents in mind. Our mission is to promote the physical and emotional security of children and their parents by providing a safe and supportive environment for monitored custody exchanges and supervised visitation. We are committed to enhancing the safety of parent and child victims of family violence in an environment that fosters safe and healthy interactions between children and their families.

Since 2008, the Centre County Child Access Center has been offering separated parents and their children a safe location for custody exchanges. Over the first two years of service, the Child Access Center facilitated 1,505 safe custody exchanges. During this, our third year, we are working to add supervised visitation services to our program.

All families who use the Child Access Center must receive an order from the court to do so. All services provided by the Child Access Center are confidential.

Monitored Custody Exchanges

The Child Access Center is open for monitored custody exchanges three days a week and some holidays. Times and days for exchanges are determined by the Child Access Center staff, taking into account information in the court order and the needs of both parents. We are open for monitored custody exchanges on the following days and times:

* Wednesdays from 3:30 pm - 8:30 pm
* Fridays and Sundays from 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm
* Supervised Visitation

Days and times for supervised visits will be determined by the Child Access Center staff, taking into account information in the court order and the needs of both parents. We plan to be open for supervised visitation on the following days and times:

* Tuesday and Thursdays from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm
* Wednesdays from 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm
* Saturdays from 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

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