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    (ID: 2370)
Bella Kids
Location: (unknown city), MO   (map)
Phone / FAX: 314-732-2512
Service Area: St. Louis County
Agency: Bella Kids
Agency Link: Bella Kids
Provider Link:
Standard Fee: $80 / hour
Sliding Scale? No
Languages: English, Romanian
Onsite/Offsite: Offsite only
Years Experience: 20
Holidays: Yes
Intake Procedure: Please call for intake information.
Provider Notes: Bella Kids is a professional and experienced supervised visitation provider. Our goal is always to protect the safety and welfare of the child while being non judgmental and remaining neutral.

Experts say that children do best when both parents continue to provide love and guidance. Supervised visitation allows parents in high conflict or high risk situations to have access to their child(ren) in a safe and supervised environment.

The noncustodial parent has access to the children only when supervised by another adult. Supervised visitation is often used to protect children from potentially dangerous situations while allowing parental access and providing support for the parent child relationship.

Bella Kids has social workers with over 8 years of experience in the family law field who know how important it is to have visitation with your child in a comfortable environment.

In order to protect and ensure a child's safety a judge will often court order supervised visitation for the noncustodial parent by a neutral third-person which is called "Supervised Visitation".

When supervised visitation is court ordered, It is very important that you have a supervised visit provider who knows how to read the court order and to make sure that it is followed and interpreted properly.

We also have almost 20 years of experience testifying regarding supervised visitations and providing detailed reports to judges and the attorneys involved in the case. Our social workers have had the following training which all providers of supervised visitation should have.

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