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  (ID: 2438)
Sara Rich, MSW
Location: Eugene, OR   (map)
Phone / FAX: 541-953-4071 / 541-484-9781
Service Area: Lane County and surrounding areas
Agency Phone/FAX: 541-953-4071 / 541-484-9781
Address: P.O. Box 51584
 Eugene, OR 97405
Agency Email:
Agency Link:
Standard Fee: $75 / hour
Sliding Scale? Yes
Languages: English
Onsite/Offsite: Offsite only
Years Experience: 13
Holidays: No
Intake Procedure: Please call for intake information.
Provider Notes:
One of the most important things parents can do is help their children maintain a close relationship with both parents. Experts say children do best when both parents continue to provide love and guidance.

This may require you to put aside personal resentments in order to help your former spouse/partner stay involved in your child's life. A well-drafted visitation schedule can help your children enjoy quality time with both of you.

Sometimes though, a parent's visits raise concerns about the child's safety or well-being. In some situations, parental visits must be restricted to protect the child. If you are divorcing/separating, you may wonder when a court can place limits on visitation by a parent.

Limiting Visits by Parents

Normally, a parent who doesn't have custody of their child is entitled to visit the child. Visitation is limited only if a court finds it would endanger the child's physical, mental, moral or emotional health.

The non-custodial parent is entitled to a court hearing before they can be denied visits with their child. They must be given advance notice of the hearing and an opportunity to be heard. They have a right to tell the judge their side of the story.

The burden is on the custodial parent to persuade the judge that visitation by the other parent will seriously endanger the child's welfare.

Factors that show a parent is not fit for visitation include child abuse, neglect or severe mental illness. A court may also limit visitation if a parent has been gone a long time or failed to establish a relationship with the child.

Where circumstances fall short of grounds for denying visitation, a court may consider supervised or restricted visitation.

To protect the child's safety, the court may require visits to take place in public or when a third person is present.

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