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  (ID: 4555)
Care4Kids Supervised Visitations
Location: Riverside, CA   (map)
Phone / FAX: 323-497-0978
Service Area: Inland Empire. Orange County, San Bernardino County, and LA County
Agency: Care4Kids Supervised Visitations
Agency Link: Care4Kids Supervised Visitations
Provider Link:
Standard Fee: $60 / hour
Sliding Scale? No
Languages: English, Spanish
Onsite/Offsite: Offsite only
Years Experience: 3
Holidays: Yes
Intake Procedure: $75 intake per parent
Provider Notes: - Spanish Speaking
- Fully trained & certified Supervised Monitor
- I am Trust Line Cleared
- First Aid/CPR/AED Trained
- All Immunizations Current
- Hours 8am - 8pm

I look forward to helping you during this difficult time. -Abby Ramos

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