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    (ID: 4557)
Reunify Alaska
Location: Anchorage, AK   (map)
Phone / FAX: 907-792-9226
Service Area: Within 50 miles of Anchorage
Agency: Reunify Alaska
Address: PO BOX 232155
 Anchorage, AK 99523
Provider Link:
Standard Fee: $80 / hour
Sliding Scale? Yes
Languages: English
Onsite/Offsite: Both Onsite and Offsite
Years Experience: 2
Holidays: Yes
Intake Procedure: Please call for intake information.
Provider Notes: At Reunify Alaska, a service we offer is supervised visitation. We acknowledge the name alone - court-ordered supervised visitation - sounds sterile and unpleasant.

However, supervised visitation should be viewed as an opportunity. By exercising your supervised visits, you demonstrate to the Court, your co-parent and above all, your children, that you have good intentions and are eager to do whatever it takes to have a relationship with your children.

We work diligently with all parties to reconstruct dysfunctional homes, build healthy and prosperous familial relationships, and to limit negative behaviors and attitudes through interventions and community partnering.

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