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  (ID: 4723)
Triumph Family Services
Location: (unknown city), HI   (map)
Phone / FAX: 877-814-1878 / 877-814-1878
Service Area: Statewide
Agency: Triumph Family Services
Agency Phone/FAX: 877-814-1878 / 877-814-1878
Agency Email:
Agency Link: Triumph Family Services
Provider Link:
Standard Fee: $80 / hour
Sliding Scale? Yes
Languages: English, Spanish
Onsite/Offsite: Offsite only
Years Experience: 2
Holidays: Yes
Intake Procedure: $50 per party (payable by person getting visits)
Provider Notes: The 1st priority of Triumph Family Services is to make sure that all children will have a safe, conflict-free visit with their parents, and also to make sure that parents get the bonding time that they need.

We are responsible for observing and ensuring the safety of the child during this interaction. This allows the parent and child to experience an enjoyable and safe, stress free visit and also have an enjoyable experience at the same time. We offer supervised exchanges and supervised visitation.

Children have the right to have a relationship with both parents regardless of how the parents feel or what they think about each other.

Our trained supervisors observe the interactions between the child and the parent in an objective and neutral manner. This enables the child and the parent to have an enjoyable and safe visit session in a stress free and relaxing environment.

Each parent completes the intake process individually to determine the appropriateness, frequency, timing, and scheduling of the visit sessions or exchanges.

All supervised visits are monitored by a neutral third party and, unlike some agencies, include a progress note at no extra cost to all requesting parties within 3 to 5 business days after each visit.

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