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    (ID: 4779)
Diskin & Durr Family Services
Location: Auburn, AL   (map)
Phone / FAX: 334-246-1292
Service Area: West Georgia/East Alabama
Agency: Diskin & Durr Family Services
Agency Phone/FAX: 334-246-1292
Address: 300 Opelika Road
  Unit 3983
 Auburn, AL 36831
Agency Email:
Agency Link: Diskin & Durr Family Services
Provider Link:
Standard Fee: $75 / hour
Sliding Scale? No
Languages: English
Onsite/Offsite: Both Onsite and Offsite
Years Experience: 0
Holidays: Yes
Intake Procedure: Please call for intake information.
Provider Notes: We currently provide supervised visitation services as well as parenting classes. We are open Monday-Friday, and are available by appointment only on Saturdays.

Supervised visitation, a court-ordered arrangement, prioritizes child safety while maintaining parental relationships, typically in cases where child welfare concerns exist.

In these scenarios, unsupervised visitation, or unsupervised parenting time, may pose a significant risk to the childs physical, mental, moral, or emotional well-being.

Determining the necessity of supervised visitation falls under the courts jurisdiction, where they must strike a balance between the childs best interests and the parent-child relationship. This form of visitation can also be known as supervised parenting time.

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